Film ja raamat "the Da Vinci code" on püstitanud palju küsimusi kristluse ja Jeesuse elu kohta. Siit võib laadida endale huvitava tekti, mis käsitleb neid teaduslikust seisukohast.
Kristus kristluses
1. What do we really know about Jesus
2. What does Mary’s virginity imply?
3. Did St. Joseph marry a second time?
4. Was Jesus single, married or widower?
5. Current situation of historical research of Jesus
22. Did Jesus really mean to found a Church?
23. What is the Holy Grail? How is it related to the Holy Chalice?
Kristus kristluses
1. What do we really know about Jesus
2. What does Mary’s virginity imply?
3. Did St. Joseph marry a second time?
4. Was Jesus single, married or widower?
5. Current situation of historical research of Jesus
22. Did Jesus really mean to found a Church?
23. What is the Holy Grail? How is it related to the Holy Chalice?