XII Perekonnaõpetus

Kursuse arvestuslik lõputöö: valige üks artikkel ja kommenteerige (min üks A4):

Binding Generations (David Isaacs)
In this talk we are going to consider the family as a group of people from different generations, related to each other and who share. First we shall try to establish why the family, understood in this way, can be considered efficient in the present day world. Secondly we shall consider some difficulties for the binding of the generations and, finally, we shall consider some ways in which this binding can develop and be sustained...

The Engagement: a Precious Time (Arturo Cattaneo)
a. Living the Engagement with a Sense of Responsibility; b. The Psychology of the Engagementc. Engagement and Fidelity; d. How Long Should the Engagement Last and What Is the Right Age to Marry? e. How to Explain Saying “No” to Certain Requests...

Marriage: fulfillment through sexual gift and union (Cormac Burke)
We have considered the interactive role of sex in the development of the human person. Sexuality, in its natural design, has an inherent power to draw the person out of self and above self: rising out of self-centeredness through the inspiration of new values hitherto perhaps only vaguely experienced in a person's own self, and never in the totally singular way that they are now found in another...

Kohtume AN-tunniplaani kohaselt (seal annate tööd kätte)

Kui on küsimusi... chema@vhk.ee
